8 research outputs found

    Dissecting the RecA-(In)dependent Response to Mitomycin C in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Using Transcriptional Profiling and Proteomics Analyses

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    Institutional Review Board Statement: The experimental procedures were approved and conducted according to guidelines of the appropriate Polish Local Ethics Commission for Experiments on Animals No. 9 in Lodz (Agreement 9/ŁB87/2018). Acknowledgments: We thank Jeremy Rock and Sarah Fortune for providing us with the pLJR965 vector and detailed instructions for the generation of Cas9-regulated strains in M. tuberculosis. The authors thank the mass spectrometry service at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS in Warsaw for MS analysis. The MS analysis equipment used for the analysis was sponsored in part by the Centre for Preclinical Research and Technology (CePT), a project cosponsored by the European Regional Development Fund and Innovative Economy, the National Cohesion Strategy of Poland.Mycobacteria exploit at least two independent global systems in response to DNA damage: the LexA/RecA-dependent SOS response and the PafBC-regulated pathway. Intracellular pathogens, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, are exposed to oxidative and nitrosative stress during the course of infection while residing inside host macrophages. The current understanding of RecA-independent responses to DNA damage is based on the saprophytic model of Mycobacterium smegmatis, a free-living and nonpathogenic mycobacterium. The aim of the present study was to identify elements of RecA-independent responses to DNA damage in pathogenic intracellular mycobacteria. With the help of global transcriptional profiling, we were able to dissect RecA-dependent and RecA-independent pathways. We profiled the DNA damage responses of an M. tuberculosis strain lacking the recA gene, a strain with an undetectable level of the PafBC regulatory system, and a strain with both systems tuned down simultaneously. RNA-Seq profiling was correlated with the evaluation of cell survival in response to DNA damage to estimate the relevance of each system to the overall sensitivity to genotoxic agents. We also carried out whole-cell proteomics analysis of the M. tuberculosis strains in response to mitomycin C. This approach highlighted that LexA, a well-defined key element of the SOS system, is proteolytically inactivated during RecA-dependent DNA repair, which we found to be transcriptionally repressed in response to DNA-damaging agents in the absence of RecA. Proteomics profiling revealed that AlkB was significantly overproduced in the ΔrecA pafBCCRISPRi/dCas9 strain and that Holliday junction resolvase RuvX was a DNA damage response factor that was significantly upregulated regardless of the presence of functional RecA and PafBC systems, thus falling into a third category of DNA damage factors: RecA- and PafBC-independent. While invisible to the mass spectrometer, the genes encoding alkA, dnaB, and dnaE2 were significantly overexpressed in the ΔrecA pafBCCRISPRi/dCas9 strain at the transcript level.A.B. was supported by grant “OPUS” from the National Science Centre, Poland, UMO2015/19/B/NZ6/02978. P.P. was supported by grant “OPUS” from the National Science Centre, Poland, UMO-2019/33/B/NZ1/02770

    Cobalamin is present in cells of non-tuberculous mycobacteria, but not in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Abstract Cobalamin (vitamin B12) is a structurally complex molecule that acts as a cofactor for enzymes and regulates gene expression through so-called riboswitches. The existing literature on the vitamin B12 synthesis capacity in Mycobacterium tuberculosis is ambiguous, while in non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) is rather marginal. Here we present the results of our investigation into the occurrence of vitamin B12 in mycobacteria. For detection purposes, immunoassay methods were applied to cell lysates of NTM and M. tuberculosis clinical and laboratory strains grown under different conditions. We show that whereas vitamin B12 is present in cells of various NTM species, it cannot be evidenced in strains of differently cultured M. tuberculosis, even though the genes responsible for vitamin B12 synthesis are actively expressed based on RNA-Seq data. In summary, we conclude that the production of vitamin B12 does occur in mycobacteria, with the likely exception of M. tuberculosis. Our results provide direct evidence of vitamin B12 synthesis in a clinically important group of bacteria

    ATP-Dependent Ligases and AEP Primases Affect the Profile and Frequency of Mutations in Mycobacteria under Oxidative Stress

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    The mycobacterial nonhomologous end-joining pathway (NHEJ) involved in double-strand break (DSB) repair consists of the multifunctional ATP-dependent ligase LigD and the DNA bridging protein Ku. The other ATP-dependent ligases LigC and AEP-primase PrimC are considered as backup in this process. The engagement of LigD, LigC, and PrimC in the base excision repair (BER) process in mycobacteria has also been postulated. Here, we evaluated the sensitivity of Mycolicibacterium smegmatis mutants defective in the synthesis of Ku, Ku-LigD, and LigC1-LigC2-PrimC, as well as mutants deprived of all these proteins to oxidative and nitrosative stresses, with the most prominent effect observed in mutants defective in the synthesis of Ku protein. Mutants defective in the synthesis of LigD or PrimC/LigC presented a lower frequency of spontaneous mutations than the wild-type strain or the strain defective in the synthesis of Ku protein. As identified by whole-genome sequencing, the most frequent substitutions in all investigated strains were T→G and A→C. Double substitutions, as well as insertions of T or CG, were exclusively identified in the strains carrying functional Ku and LigD proteins. On the other hand, the inactivation of Ku/LigD increased the efficiency of the deletion of G in the mutant strain

    Management of bleeding in patients hospitalized in the intensive cardiac care unit: expert opinion of the Association of Intensive Cardiac Care and Section of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy of the Polish Cardiac Society in cooperation with specialists in other fields of medicine

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    ABSTRACT Nowadays, the intensive cardiac care unit (ICCU) provides care for patients with acute coronary syndrome, acute and exacerbated chronic heart failure, cardiogenic shock, sudden cardiac arrest, electrical storm, as well as with indications for urgent cardiac surgical treatment. Most of these patients require the use of 1, 2, or frequently even 3 drugs that act on the blood coagulation pathway. While antithrombotic drugs prevent thromboembolic events, they are associated with a higher risk of bleeding. In this population of patients, bleeding may often have a worse impact on prognosis than the primary disease. In this expert opinion of the Association of Intensive Cardiac Care, we presented practical guidelines on the management of bleeding in patients hospitalized at the ICCU, including bleeding risk reduction and treatment recommendations. Because of multiple comorbidities and diverse organs that may be the source of bleeding, we provided also recommendations from specialists in other fields of medicine. We hope that this document will facilitate the management of one of the most challenging populations at the ICCU

    Postępowanie w krwawieniach u pacjentów hospitalizowanych na oddziale intensywnej terapii kardiologicznej

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    Współczesny Oddział Intensywnej Terapii Kardiologicznej (OITK) to miejsce, gdzie leczeni są pacjenci z ostrymi zespołami wieńcowymi, z ostrą i zaostrzoną przewlekłą niewydolnością serca, wstrząsem kardiogennym, po nagłym zatrzymaniu krążenia, z burzą elektryczną, a także z pilnymi wskazaniami do leczenia kardiochirurgicznego. Większość tych chorych wymaga stosowania jednego, dwóch, a nierzadko trzech leków wpływających na układ krzepnięcia. Leki przeciwzakrzepowe, zabezpieczając pacjentów przed zdarzeniami zakrzepowo‑zatorowymi, zwiększają jednocześnie ryzyko krwawień. Krwawienia w tej grupie pacjentów mogą mieć niejednokrotnie gorszy wpływ na rokowanie niż choroba podstawowa. Niniejsza opinia ekspertów Asocjacji Intensywnej Terapii Kardiologicznej ma za zadanie przedstawić praktyczne wskazówki postępowania z pacjentami na OITK w celu zmniejszenia ryzyka krwawień i sposobu ich leczenia. Ze względu na liczne choroby współistniejące w tej grupie chorych, jak również różne organy, w których obrębie może dochodzić do krwawień, w niniejszym dokumencie opieramy się też na zaleceniach przygotowanych przez specjalistów innych dziedzin medycyny. Mamy nadzieję, że niniejszy dokument okaże się przydatny w postępowaniu z tą jedną z najtrudniejszych grup pacjentów na OITK.Współczesny Oddział Intensywnej Terapii Kardiologicznej (OITK) to miejsce, gdzie leczeni są pacjenci z ostrymi zespołami wieńcowymi, z ostrą i zaostrzoną przewlekłą niewydolnością serca, wstrząsem kardiogennym, po nagłym zatrzymaniu krążenia, z burzą elektryczną, a także z pilnymi wskazaniami do leczenia kardiochirurgicznego. Większość tych chorych wymaga stosowania jednego, dwóch, a nierzadko trzech leków wpływających na układ krzepnięcia. Leki przeciwzakrzepowe, zabezpieczając pacjentów przed zdarzeniami zakrzepowo‑zatorowymi, zwiększają jednocześnie ryzyko krwawień. Krwawienia w tej grupie pacjentów mogą mieć niejednokrotnie gorszy wpływ na rokowanie niż choroba podstawowa. Niniejsza opinia ekspertów Asocjacji Intensywnej Terapii Kardiologicznej ma za zadanie przedstawić praktyczne wskazówki postępowania z pacjentami na OITK w celu zmniejszenia ryzyka krwawień i sposobu ich leczenia. Ze względu na liczne choroby współistniejące w tej grupie chorych, jak również różne organy, w których obrębie może dochodzić do krwawień, w niniejszym dokumencie opieramy się też na zaleceniach przygotowanych przez specjalistów innych dziedzin medycyny. Mamy nadzieję, że niniejszy dokument okaże się przydatny w postępowaniu z tą jedną z najtrudniejszych grup pacjentów na OITK